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A new educational precinct for Bungendore

Exciting news - a new educational precinct for Bungendore including a new high school, upgrades to the primary school and sporting facilities, and new shared community facilities!

This morning our local state member John Barilaro and NSW Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning Sarah Mitchell confirmed the proposed plan for a new high school located on Majara Street near the primary school. The timeframe committed to for the first intake of students is semester 1 2023 but Schools Infrastructure NSW is still aiming for a 2022 starting cohort. This is a fantastic investment back into our community infrastructure and a great opportunity to create a shared space that can meet the needs not just of high school students, but local sporting groups, families, and community groups. At the public announcement today, Mr Barilaro said that seven sites were assessed but this was the only suitable site to get a high school in a safe central location, out of flood plains and within a reasonable timeframe.

Schools Infrastructure NSW has started initial community consultation with an online survey open until September 11 2020. We have a fantastic opportunity to create a new high school specifically for our community by 2023. We urge you to review the official plans and provide your feedback via the survey. Although we have not been part of the assessment of sites, we did meet the Department last September to understand the steps that are involved in building a high school. A lot of work has gone into finding a suitable site and to get this far in bringing Bungendore a high school. Thank you to everyone involved!

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